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Europe Diverse & United: 2nd Transnational Project Meeting @ Athens

17 September 2022
Europe Diverse & United: 2nd Transnational Project Meeting @ Athens

Europe Diverse & United 2nd Project Meeting was held in Athens on the 16 September 2022 with the participation of all partners, both physically and on-line.

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Doukas School hosted the meeting at the premises of the school. Partners had the chance to discuss and agree upon the upcoming project activities and the progress of the Intellectual Outputs expected by the end of the project implementation period. More specifically, partners collaborated to finalise Result 1 and decided on how to proceed with the development of Result 2 and the initials actions foreseen for Result 3. Additionally, partners ensured the application of all processes described under the Quality Assurance Strategy of the project and focused on intensify project dissemination actions.

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You may find more info related to the project at the project’s FB page:

The project’s website and learning platform will be available soon.