BYOD – Learning “Learning at Any Time, at Any Place via any Device”


The aim of the BYOD project is to support teachers and educators with the implementation and design Learning Videos hosted in the BYOD Platform accessible to teachers and students at any time and any place and through any device, applying the BYOD methodology. The ultimate objective of the project is to offer an option to students to study using their e-devices. The evolution of a portable education will offer the students the ability to study at any place and any time. The idea behind the project is to provide an alternative flip-classroom learning environment through video lessons covering the curriculum in support of two-fold solutions: (1) digital learning solution and (2) support to mix ability classes outside the classroom. The BYOD project will focus to students learning mathematics in secondary education, especially 7 graders.

The planned main results of the project are:

·  European Platform of Video Lessons hosting videos accessible by teachers, students at any time and any place and through any device applying an approach of BYOD

·  Methodology and specifications for the design of the video lessons and set of digital tools and guidance on the digitalization of the educational content to facilitate the learning process

·  Training course for supporting teachers and educators to digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity in mathematical education

The results will contribute to the creation a European platform which will contribute to the learning of young students with the use of 15/30/45-minute learning videos. The innovative approach of the project is the splitting of the curriculum topics into videos which does not exist at present.

The project is coordinated by the Pedagogical University of Krakow (PL) and the consortium includes another 7 partners: Doukas School (GR), AMETA (MKD), Cyprus Mathematical Society (CY), 5 OU Ivan Vazov School (BG), Skybridge Partners (GR), University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” (BG), and I.E.S Arcebispo Xelmirez II (ES).


More information about the project can be found on the official website and facebook.

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