European Networking of STEAME School Students for Exchange and Co-creation





The project “European Networking of STEAME School Students for Exchange and Co-creation” 2021-2-CY01-KA210-SCH-000047923, is an Erasmus + project funded within the framework KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education.

The project runs from May 1, 2022 until May 31, 2023. It is carried out by three partner organizations:

· Thales Foundation (Cyprus) as the coordinator;

· Douka Ekpaideftiria AE-Palladion Lykeion-Doukas School (Greece);

· Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland).

Thus the consortium consists of a non-profit organization whose mission is the recognition of academic excellence and the facilitation of young people to express their talents, a private school bring in years of experience in STEAME (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and entrepreneurship) education and a higher education institution, the best in its country, whose mission is to provide training to the pre-service and in-service teachers.

The purpose of the project is to establish and develop an online communication platform for STEAME interested students. This is in contrast to existing platforms of this kind dedicated to teachers. In the initial phase of one year the partners will support and promote network activities and cooperation hoping to achieve enough momentum for the self-sustainability of the platform in the future. To this end online activities of students will be assisted by establishing a support network of STEAME mentors.

The main results of the project would be

Activity 1: European Online Student Creations Exchange Forum

Activity 2: Student Community Kick-off Meeting

In the final phase of the project a face to face community meeting is planned to be held in Poland. Visit our website through here.