On February 22, 2023, in the technology classroom of Doukas School, a Training Activity for STE(A)M European Erasmus+ projects was held by the School’s Research and Development Department. This activity was addressed to 10 teachers of specialties related to various STEM subjects, including a presentation of the STEAM4ALL Educational Framework and the description of the most important results of the projects.
How do we know if an activity is a “good” STE(A)M Activity? The kind of activities we meet in a STEAM project are: Modeling, Designing, Coding, Strategy, Prediction, Exploration, Observation, Counting, Trial and error, Manipulation.
Emphasis was also placed on the concepts of the figure below:
The projects presented were the following:
STEAM4ALL: STEAM4ALL project will contribute to the advancement of the field of school and STEAM education, through spreading awareness on the importance of the development of important skills to students. The project will motivate students, especially those with fewer opportunities, to be engaged in the fields of STEAM.
STEM Labyrinth: Students can really get to grips with the real-life problem scenarios and real-world based application of what they learn and become inspired to take their studies beyond the classroom.
FemSTEAM: Combines Role-Model and Game-based methodology with a mystery story-telling digital game (escape room), aiming to create a new culture and attitude amongst teachers and students.
STEAME-Hybrid: The aim of the project is to design and develop STEAME Schools. STEAME means Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Entrepreneurship. STEAME are the expected schools of the future and aim to transform the knowledge into skills and competencies through new structure, infrastructure and activities that correspond to the modern requirements of education and the labor market.
STEAME Students: This project will promote the development of a Network of communication using licensed communication platforms including TEAMS or ZOOM or YouTube or similar for supporting its aims and objectives in facilitating the exchange of ideas and creative thinking between school students interested in STEAME subjects including high-ability students.
Teaching the Future: Teach the Future (TTF) is designed to promote a highly relevant educational approach to climate change education, by applying open science and open data principles to the framework of a digital citizenship educational paradigm.