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RoboSTEAMkids: Joint Staff Training-Mobility (C1)

2 July 2024
RoboSTEAMkids: Joint Staff Training-Mobility (C1)

The roboSTEAMkids consortium organized the C1 Short-Term Joint Staff Training between May 20th and 24th, 2024, in Nicosia, Cyprus. Emphasys Centre hosted 12 participants (adult educators, trainers, teachers, professionals, etc.) from Poland, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Italy, and Cyprus.
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On the first day of the joint training mobility, all participants met each other and presented a general overview of the PR2 and PR3. PR2 is the training material for teachers, parents and students and PR3 includes the development of the e-Learning platform.
Participants created an e-Learning Platform account, navigated and followed the steps to receive the open badges for each module. For the next two days, each partner presented their module developed in the teachers’ pack and organised a practical workshop for the LTTA participants to train them to use this module with the teachers and improve their knowledge.
Then, the parents’ pack was presented to all participants, which involved activities for parents to work with the students at home. It also described the online webinars organised for parents in November and December 2023.
On the last training day, all partners filled out an evaluation questionnaire, and video testimonials were recorded at Emphasys’ premises professional recording studio.
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At the end of the C1 training, all participants received the ‘Mentor Badge’, which was created by the roboSTEAMkids consortium so the participants who attended the LTTA could understand the e-Learning Platform and how to support the ECEC teachers, parents and students.
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Visit our website to learn more about the project.