“FemSTEAM Mysteries” multiplier event at Doukas School


On the 4th of July 2022 Doukas School held the multiplier event in the context of the Erasmus+ project “FemSTEAM Mysteries”. 20 teachers from primary, secondary and tertiary education participated in the event, showing their interest in relation to the objectives of the project, are looking forward to the finalization of the project’s outputs. The project’s outputs will provide teachers with learning approaches and contents to implement in the classroom and to engage students with.

As all partners were present in the event, participants had the chance to meet them, engage in discussions related to the presentation of the results, good practices and ideas.

The FemSTEAM Mysteries project aims to create a new culture and attitude amongst teachers and students by combining Role-Model and Game-based methodology with a mystery story-telling digital game (escape room) to engage teenagers (age 12-15).

In the course of the event, La Salle del Buen Consejo presented the learning activities they implemented with their students to serve as an example on how to use the learning content developed as part of the first two outputs. Furthermore, Prof. Ioanna Vekiri from the European University of Cyprus presented general information about the project (its objectives and its expected results). Finally, Mrs. Rafaela Pappa, from Challedu, demonstrated the digital game to the participants, who were asked to interact with the game, in teams, thinking of how to optimally utilize it and integrate within their students’ learning process.

You can click for the Facebook page here.